Welcome to a generic page about myself

If you aren't using a prehistoric browser, there is a little gradient on each side of the page. This thing is actually hi-tech!

This page has colors too. Why? Cuz it looks AMAZING. Seriously, how come I never thought of that before?

So, um, hello! I'm chylex, and I do stuff, which by some could be considered awesome.

Who am I?

My real name is Daniel, I'm 18 years old and I live in Czech Republic!
Damn, that sounded like an example from some english schoolbook.

I've been programming since 12. That's the job nobody usually appreciates when playing games or using some other software. They just complain about bugs all the time. So why do I even do this? Cuz it's fun! And I absolutely suck at doing anything else.

Here is some random info, in case you want to know more:
Languages: Czech, Slovak, English, learning French and want to learn German.
English dialect: Mixture of British and American English.
Programming languages: Mostly C# and Java, website stuff (JS, PHP), scripting stuff (LUA); started with Game Maker.
Religion: None, I believe in myself.
Prefered measurement system: Metric. Imperial sucks. If you use imperial system without being forced, you suck (otherwise, have my condolences).

Stuff I made

Minecraft mods

Hardcore Ender Expansion
Overhaul of everything in the End. Best if you're seeking for a challenge or suicide.

Better Sprinting
Adds a bunch of useful movement keys and flying boost in creative.

Minimod series
Dozens of small utility mods that enhance gameplay. Stored on an old website of mine.


Visit the website for games of the development team I'm a member of.

Other stuff

Personality test
Compare personalities by nicknames! Don't take too seriously. Extra points if the results are correct.

Calculates statistics of your coding project - files, lines, characters, just a whole lot of numbers! Requires .NET Framework 4.0 or newer, Windows only.
cmd line parameters | default settings

Social stuff

I'm on Twitter. If you're not following me, you should. If you don't have an account, make one. Absolutely no excuses to not follow me.

Sometimes I post videos on YouTube. And I have this Ask.fm thing I check once per month too.


Short messages are best handled using Twitter.

For a private or longer coversation, contact me via email: contact@chylex.com.


(Questions Nobody Ever Asked But I Felt Like Answering Them Anyways) Do you have any special abilities?
A heart condition. And it's awesome because I don't have to do running excercises in PE! :D

Are you left-handed or right-handed?
Left-handed, but I use my right hand for a bunch of things too. And I hate left-handed characters in FPS games. It's weird.

You are the most amazing person I know, how can I give you my money?
Go visit my Patreon.

Look at this fancy orange box

So fancy. And orange. :3